Musings From Missouri


1. I think I over use the word musings. It is a fancy word. I like fancy.


2. We are starting to feel settled in our house. There was so much work to do and big ticket items to purchase, but we have the basics almost done. We have successfully obliterated most of the oak throughout the house. The kitchen cabinets are my project for the summer! Over the next year, as budget allows, the frills will come. You know the throw pillows, curtains, candles, rugs, and things like that. I will tackle it room by room. BUT- let me tell you I am in love with this house. I love the feel of it. The back yard view sold me from day one. It seems kinda like you are living in the country, but the other way, one street over is a giant lake and tons of houses. The only big bummer is they will not allow chickens here. That is sad, but I once again buy eggs at Trader Joes. Which, off topic, rumor has it, we might get one here. If you are bored, please go to the Trader Joe’s website and request a location in Lees Summit, Mo. The check out gal told me to do it. She said they listen. Couldn’t hurt, right?



3. West Bottoms. Oh. Wow. It’s like my dreams came to life. #noreally. Amazing things. In old brick buildings. Blocks and blocks of it, for Dirt cheap. Best. Shopping. Ever. The. End.


4. I went to a homeschool convention recently and it was so stinkin’ fabulous to be around grown ups. I went to workshops and walked the exhibit hall. It was nice to use my brain. The conferences re energize me every year. I am finalizing my choices for next year. Our SIXTH year of homeschooling??? WHAT??  Never say never, remember that. You’ve been warned!

5. I have always heard that people in the midwest are so kind. I think it’s crazy to generalize a whole geographical region that way. I mean who started that? However, people here are very nice. Very. Not just the people from my church, but it sure does seem people in general are less in a hurry and more willing to engage in a conversation. BUT THEN, the drivers here? Another story. Four separate times I have been cussed at, flipped off, and yelled at in a manner that is shameful. My kids have seen it all and we’ve decided maybe it’s my California plates? Need to change those and see if things improve, lol. It’s not my driving skills. I did nothing. Don’t go there. Really, I’m an excellent driver ;).

6. I went to Kobe Steakhouse/Casting Crowns with a bunch of peeps from church. Had. A. Blast. This Friday we are going to a dinner and the symphony. We are being spoiled rotten and enjoying every second. So many things to do, see, and explore. It’s ridiculously fun.


7. The weather. Hmmmmm. We had a couple thunder/lightening situations which I heard were “nothing”. Nothing my foot, I say. We just never had weather like that in California. Period. BUT overall, I am loving the change in seasons. It’s amazing and I am SO glad we get to experience it. You know all those activities about the change of seasons you do in elementary school? They make sense now.


8. Have you ever been to Costco and purchased a tv, 2 rotisserie chickens, and a bag of chips? These items snuggled in with my treasures from West Bottoms and we made it home, chuckling all the way. Not sure why that is funny, but somehow it is.


9. I love that God knows your dreams and what will fill your soul and prepares you for things in your life, long before you ever even dream them. Our church and new city are like that for us. We didn’t look on the map and find a “cool” place, and the best school districts, and the perfect weather, and a certain size church. We prayed, God lead us and when we get there, show us the beauty. In fact, to be honest, all I knew about Missouri was that it was somewhere in the middle-ish. But in reality it is this hidden gem that I didn’t know existed and I just love it here. Let me just tell you what God does. He works all things together for my good. This move has stretched us, caused more discussions, arguments, forgiveness, and new levels of honesty in our family then I could have prepared for. It has been stupidly hard and infinitely worth it. The best things in life do not come for free. When you look for the beauty, you WILL find it, wherever you are. For beauty is God breathed and He is everywhere. He hand picked Lees Summit, Mo for such a time is this and I am beyond grateful. This past weekend, I had one of the nicest things said to me I have ever heard. I was thanked because this person said it was apparent that our family moved here with our hearts. There are no words for that to me. For my tired and overworked heart, it clicked into place immediately. This is why the sleepless nights and shed tears have been so many. We did just that. We just want to follow Him with our whole hearts. Whatever that looks like.


10. I created a wall of our people. I am working on getting the frames all filled, but it makes me so incredibly happy.


11. I have an empty pantry, not even shelves. It is this weekend’s project. Wish me luck and pray that the unsuspecting Lowe’s dude will make all the cuts I need on the lumber, because I have plans and no saw. Maybe I should buy one.

12. How big does the rock need to be? I mean, really?


Happy Friday, my friends. I will be back next week, hopefully with a glorious new and well organized pantry!

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